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Yin ~ Gentle ~ Restorative ~ Beginner



Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga, that incorporates principles of traditional Chinese medicine. With asanas (postures) held for longer than other styles. Yin Yoga is taught across North America and Europe, encouraged by teachers Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers. Yin yoga focuses on the deep connective tissue through a slow, cooling practice. The goal is not to “stretch” but to “stress” the connective tissue between the muscles and fascia. Yin yoga is therapeutic for the joints and helps with flexibility and mobility.

Tuesday 9:00 am


Gentle Yoga

Yin Yoga Gentle Flow Yoga is geared specifically toward those new to yoga. People interested in a gentle practice. this class incorporates simple sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower-paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility. No balance or flexibility is required.

Thursday 9:00 am


Breath and Movement Yoga

A mix of asanas that is (beginner friendly.) Focusing on the moving meditation. A practice that helps attain tranquility in the mind and spirit. Making this goal achievable through asanas to strengthen the body and breath to strengthen the mind as well.

Monday ~ Wednesday ~ Friday 9:00 am



Yoga enhances your life


Through the moving meditation calm is brought into your life.

Breathing 0
Metabolism 0
Flexibility 0
Toned Muscles 0

Athena Jones

I started my yoga journey 12 years ago. A friend invited me and asked me to commit to 30 days. I begrudgingly did so. 30 days went by, I could feel a sense of wellness and no longer ached. I also felt much calmer. Huge bonus, I lost the unwanted love handles and gained some muscle. My yoga practice was strong at this point. I started taking teacher training wanting to gain more knowledge. Like, Ashtanga yoga, Restorative yoga, Yoga Therapy, Gentle yoga, Hatha yoga, Sampoorana yoga, Yin yoga. Then I learned about Sound Healing and different types of meditation training. I know there will be more training to come.